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  • Hi Sue, thanks for your massage. We would certainly be interested in posting a summary ob the KHUB, let me know how long that should be. I will also discuss about the possibility of a webinar with my co-author and let you know. Best wishes and thanks ...

  • Francesco - This sounds very interesting! Might you be interested in sharing your insights on the topic at a webinar? Or writing a summary to be posted on our Knowledge Hub ? ------------------------------ [Sue] [Burek] [NPDP] [kHUB Administrator] ...

  • Bin Ji - I agree with Christopher Lee. It is my understanding that in Agile processes, it is the Scrum Master that has the responsibility of keeping everything on track ------------------------------ [Sue] [Burek] [NPDP] [kHUB Administrator] [PDMA] ...

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    Creativity - TEDTalks with Practitioner Insights Read Time: 2 Minutes The Power of Imagination Designing products ...

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    Motivating Teams - TEDTalks with Practitioner Insights Read Time: 2 Minutes The Puzzle of Motivation by Dan Pink ...

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    Function Analysis: Foundation to Concept Development Read Time: 5 minutes The details are details. They make the ...

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